Saturday, September 8, 2012


When the initial shock is gone its time to start cheering on your little one.

Self confidence is one of the greatest keys to a successful life and moms can cultivate this from conception.

You need to let your little one know that he or she is loved. Being loved gives a sense of security.

How do I do that?

Talk to the child- Give the baby a name I wanted a boy i called my baby Junior; I had a girl but  at least when I was talking to her in the weeks before I knew her sex it felt more personal saying Junior -the baby is not an it.

The earlier you begin talking to a baby in plain English the earlier the baby will begin talking back to you. In my family there is no 'gooing ' and 'cooing' we talk straight to babies so they usually end up making sentences before they walk.

Such was the case with my baby girl. We concluded that if you start with 'baby talk the poor child has to learn that and then unlearn it to learn the proper English so why not  just skip that . Its better for you when your ten month old can say i'm stinky or i want tea or my stomach hurts. It makes that period when you need to diagnose what your baby is crying  about shorter.

 begin telling the baby that you love him tell him that he is very important to you

sing to him read to him pray for him

It helps you come to terms with the way your life is about to change and the guilt you feel if you were thinking of him as a mistake begins to subside.

even before the first flutters in your womb you will have a sense of knowing that someone who depends on you totally, does exist.

Thursday, August 26, 2010



Oh crap we can't afford this, A mini me?
 I can barely take care of me  and there is so much I want to do before  a baby

At this moment you begin to wonder "what have I gotten myself into."
 whether planned or unplanned finding out your pregnant invokes emotions you didn't even know you had.

Once you are going to accept this gift you have to accept that you have just become a member of an all star cheer leading squad. 

Get over the initial shock as quickly as possible there is a lot to do to get in shape for the upcoming games.

Now I knew from the moment it happened that I was in trouble but it wasn't until the doctor said its a faint positive that the reality of my actions started to sink in. 

Where will we live ?
I just quit my job.  I need a new one.
What will people think 
I'm going to get fat

Its all selfish thinking in the beginning but that is allowed and natural don't beat yourself up over it .  

Now I guess if you've planned all this out and your anxious to get pregnant you react differently but I had no desire to be. 

It wasn't until six weeks or so into the pregnancy that the spotting started and I realized that the baby I was carrying had already found lodging in my heart. My desire to make sure that all was well and that the child was brought to term with ten little fingers and ten little toes made me begin to focus on us rather than me.

So what about this cheer leading squad?
You being the closet and dearest person to this new life have a responsibility to break out the pom-poms long before the due date...............

But lets talk about that tomorrow